
Total Supply (100%)
Initial Burn (35%)
Initial Liquidity (65%)
Dev Tokens (0%)


Taxes apply on sells

First Of A Kind Contract

Auto Burn Generated Liquidity 🔥

1000% Safe 🔥

6% To Holders
7% Auto Liquidity
2% Auto Burn

Note: when you buy there are no taxes, Taxes Apply only on sells

The Token That Loves To BURN!

🔥The Token That Loves To BURN!🔥
🔥The Token That Is Here For The People🔥
🔥The Token That Is NOT SELLING LIES🔥
🔥The Token That Is 1000% SAFE!🔥

How is it all happening?
Let me explain what is "Here For The People" and "1000% SAFE" - Burner will have the following features:

🔥Buying 0% tax
🔥Selling 15% tax
🔥Why the contract will tax only sellers?
Think about it, this mechanism will provide growth to the token price,
How you think? When a seller already sent his sell transaction he already sold Burner, so we take the 15% from this sell and -
🔥7% Auto add Liquidity & Auto Burn it - STRAIGHT TO THE BURN ADDRESS🔥
🔥6% Auto reflection to HODLERS🔥
🔥2% Auto Burn🔥
🔥When people sell We Grow🔥

🔥Now, you might ask how the owner will make money of it?
🔥Love For All equation🔥
🔥From the 7% sellers tax, only 1/4 goes to the project (this is already sold by the sellers, this way no way to harm the price)🔥
🔥 What Devs will do with their own profits? They Will Invest In The Project From Their Own Pockets. Why? Because We Want To Make Some Good For A Change🔥
🔥REMEMBER: 1/4% is taken from already sold tokens to bnb!!🔥

🔥How Burner is 1000% Safe?
🔥Fair Launch🔥
🔥0 dev tokens🔥
🔥Liquidity is auto Burned on every auto liq adding🔥

🔥It means:
🔥No rugpull🔥
🔥No Scam🔥
🔥100% For The People🔥
🔥1000% SAFE🔥

Burner Lottery

This what youve been waiting for 🥁🥁🥁 Our first dapp: The🔥🔥🔥 Burner Lottery 🔥🔥🔥 So, how is it going to work? And in what way is it going to be beneficial to our #BurnerFamily?

Burner Lottery -
To play all you need to do is:
- Get into Burner Lottery site✅
- Click on "buy ticket" (buy with BNB/BRN) ✅
- Every buy will get you one more ticket, meaning more chances to win the pot 🔥

- Every ticket bought with BNB will be automatically BUY BRN ✅✅✅
- Every Lottery Round will burn 10% ‼️‼️ of the BRN Prize ✅✅✅
- Round every 2/4 hours ‼️✅

This will have a huge impact on our #BurnerFamily growing ✅✅✅✅

We will share with you every step in the process ❤️
We will announce the release date later this week ✅